Forensic evaluations are used to assess a range of characteristics, skills, abilities related to legal proceedings. They are performed by a psychologist who receives advanced training in this unique form of assessment. This form of psychological testing is often recommended by legal counsel. You can learn more about forensic evaluations from Ubuntu Psychological Services on this page, including the process and what to expect.
Forensic assessments offer an expert evaluation of a person’s mental state and provide support for civil and criminal legal cases for both the defense and prosecution. For the defense, forensic assessment may be related to the ability to waive Miranda rights, competency to stand trial, and state of mind before, during, and after the time of offense. Forensic evaluations may also be used to provide evidence of mitigating factors related to sentencing. In addition to support for legal defense, forensic assessment may also be used to support the prosecution, providing evidence of the mental and emotional impact of a crime. Other factors that may be evaluated through forensic testing include:
- Understanding potential risk for reoffence or other criminal behavior in the future.
- Diagnosing mental health and personality disorders.
- Providing treatment and medication recommendations.
The forensic evaluation process typically begins with a referral from your legal counsel or the court, but you may reach out on your own behalf to learn more about these services or schedule an assessment. The first appointment will bean intake session.
During this introductory appointment, a psychologist will gather information about the individual’s health, therapy history, medical history, and the reason the client was referred for an evaluation. Following this intake, the psychologist reviews medical and criminal records as well as any other documentation deemed necessary and puts together a personalized testing battery. Next, you’ll return for one or more sessions to receive psychological testing that may evaluate a variety of factors, including:
- Personality
- Intelligence
- Academic aptitude
- Emotional health
Your psychiatrist will also chat with you to learn more about your experiences during a clinical interview. Finally, the forensic evaluator will review all of their documentation, the results of testing, and the clinical interview in order to write a report. In some cases, this report is simply submitted in evidence for your trial. Other times, your psychiatrist will actually testify about the results as part of court proceedings.
If you’re involved in a civil or criminal trial, a forensic evaluation can be an important piece of evidence when building your case. We know the entire experience can be painful and frightening.
The Ubuntu Psychological Services team will work with you to ensure the forensic assessment process is safe and comfortable. You can get started with a short discovery call. This allows you to get to know us, ask any questions you have, and learn more about the evaluation process. After this introductory call, we’ll find a time to schedule your full intake session.