The Importance of Wellness For Communities of Color

Mental health is a sensitive topic. It’s even more touchy for communities of color.
While there is a stigma around mental health, it is considered completely taboo in our communities.
We don’t talk about it enough. It’s a subject that is glossed over and sometimes completely ignored. Within our own and medical communities as a whole.
We need to talk about it more.
In summer of 2021, Olympic gymnast Simone Biles did not shy away from talking about it. In one of the most public forums out there, she admitted that she wasn’t okay. That as an athlete and a young Black woman, she was struggling. And, more than ever, it got us to think about why wellness is so important for communities of color.
In Itself, Wellness Brings Awareness To POC
POC are often underrepresented within the wellness community. When we see images of people practicing wellness routines and self-care, they are represented typically those in the Caucasian communities. While a rise of POC social media influencers is changing this, there is still a long way to go.
Awareness surrounding topics of wellness can only begin if the narrative surrounding it changes. As POC, it is common to gloss over our own issues because we always in survival mode. Just trying to get from one day to the next. Which leaves little room for a greater discussion on why wellness is so important if we are just trying to survive.
Nutrition Is Often Overlooked
Wellness cannot be discussed without looking at nutrition. Nutrition plays a massive role in every human beings life, but is especially important for POC.
Our nutrition needs have to look different because our medical needs are. More prone to certain diseases and conditions, the role that nutrition plays is often overlooked. And because nutrition is not talked about, these health conditions are often overlooked easier.
Magazines, Instagram, and social media are filled with images of people eating nutritious and balanced meals. But they very rarely represent POC.
Physical Activity Is Not Representative
We see images of people working out and being physically active every day. Yet, again, the representation of POC in this images is few and far between. Granted, it has gotten better, but not much. While social media influencers and activists such as Dr. Crystal Jones are working to change the narrative, there still needs to be a lot of work done. While we may be more represented now, it is through companies and active lifestyle brands that are not Black-Owned.
Wellness Is Not Defined By Color
No matter what gender, race, or ethnicity you identify with, wellness is important. It should not be defined by fitting certain molds. Health is for everyone.
But the story so far does not say that. The representation of POC in the media and popular outlets is slim.
We need to change that.
It needs be changed because our images plastered on lifestyle brands for the sake of being “woke,” undermines the whole point. It’s representation masquerading as inclusiveness.
This is not an inclusive land that we are part of.
In order for every individual within our community to be healthier and more well, we need to first and foremost begin talking about it.
Like everything else, we have to push forward the changes we want to see.
If you are a POC and struggling to know how to make your health most optimal, connect with us so we can help you learn to put wellness first in the way that works for you.