Spring Cleaning for Mental Wellness

With the start of spring comes new possibilities. There is something very renewing and hopeful about the start of this new season. Flowers beginning to bloom, the leaves returning to trees, and sunshine finally returning.
It’s hard not to feel a sense of new beginnings this time of year. We often use this time of year to do some spring cleaning. Washing down walls, cleaning out closets, and donating the things we no longer use.
When you think about it, why can’t we apply the principle of spring cleaning to our mental wellness? We start the new year off with resolutions and goals. By now, maybe your resolutions have gone to the wayside – why not try to renew them?
Spring is the perfect time to do some cleaning for your mental wellness!
Start New Habits
It’s really easy to let our self-care or mindfulness habits to go to the wayside. Life gets busy and it’s not hard to let things slip by unintentionally.
There are many habits you can start that can help renew and strengthen your mental well being. These can include:
- Journaling
- Meditation
- Yoga
Let Go
Letting go of what no longer serves you is a great way to do some spring cleaning for your mind. When you ruminate on things that happened, or things you never did, you are unintentionally bringing yourself down.
We all have things in life that we regret. Everyone has limiting beliefs that they feel about themselves. It’s time to let all of that go. It’s hard not to dwell on the negative things that we think about ourselves and the world around us. But it doesn’t do us any favors to focus so much on the negative.
Use the experiences that you are not happy with as lessons. Maybe they are lessons you had to learn the hard way. Or maybe they came out of nowhere and completely floored you. Whatever you have gone through, learn to let it go.
Start New Hobbies
All winter, you have likely been doing the same hobbies you always do. There is something comforting about the familiar. By now, you are ready for a change, right? Why not step outside of your comfort level and try a new hobby!
Whether that is starting a new exercise routine or picking up a craft you can easily do outside, there is no better time than the present.
Begin Exercising
Speaking of, spring is the perfect time to become physically active. Being outdoors and exercising is a fantastic way to refresh your mental health.
You don’t have to begin hitting the gym every single day or lifting heavy weights. You can start off small with short walks now that the weather is getting nicer. Even just walking has a fabulous effect on mental health.
Stop Old Habits
Just as spring is a great time to start new habits, how about stopping some? When you are wanting a fresh start, stopping habits that are not healthy or hurt your health will definitely help with that.
Whether you are drinking alcohol too much, or eating unhealthy or trying to quit smoking – now is the perfect time to kick these old habits to the curb.
It’s Never A Bad Time To Begin Spring Cleaning For Your Mental Health
No matter what time of year it is, working on your mental health is always important. However, if you start in the spring, it can help you feel an even greater sense of urgency to make changes in your life.
If you need some extra support in this season, please connect with me for a consultation or to schedule an appointment.