How To Spot Signs Of Depression In Men

Spotting signs of depression in either gender can be challenging. Often, the signs are often so subtle or hidden that it can almost seem as if they aren’t really there.
Unfortunately, depression is one of the most common mental health conditions out there. It can impact men and women in equal amounts. Neither gender is more likely to experience depression than the other.
However, with that said, there are specific signs of depression that can be spotted in men.
What Causes Men To Get Depression?
This question is extremely broad but we feel like we need to get it out there. The following list is not specific to men, just a few known/general reasons for why depression occurs.
- They experienced childhood trauma or abuse
- Ongoing exposure to everyday stress
- Chronic illness
- Depression can be a side effect of certain medications
- Genetics or a family history of mental health conditions
Signs Of Depression
For the most part, the symptoms of depression are universal. Someone experiencing depression can go through any number of the following symptoms:
- Feeling extreme sadness for no reason
- Feelings of emptiness
- Desire to sleep more than usual
- Loss of interest in activities or hobbies
- Change in appetite (eating too much or to little)
- Fatigue, no matter how much sleep at night
How To Spot Depression In A Man
Now comes a list of more nuanced ways depression can exhibit in a man.
Men, in general, are more likely to showcase signs of aggression and anger than their female counterparts will. However, when a man is experiencing depression, this is going to increase the chances of man becoming angrier easier.
It’s a cliche that people who experience depression are going to act really gloomy or down. Think about Eeyore and his type of attitude. However, this is a gross over-actualization of what depression really looks like.
Activities Take A Preference Over Other Responsibilities
We know we mentioned above that loss of interest in activities is a classic sign of depression. However, for men, signs of depression can include too much interest in hobbies.
This can include showing more of an interest in exercise, video games, social media usage, porn usage, or any other number of things. It serves as a means of escapism and to distract from the current problems he may be facing.
Numbing The Pain With Substances
When dealing with depression, men are more likely to turn to substances to help numb or mask their pain.
This could include overconsumption of alcohol or substances such as recreational or hard drugs or even prescription pills.
How To Cope With Depression As A Man
Dealing with depression is never easy. It can be an extremely harrowing and disheartening experience when you feel as if the fog never lifts.
Worsening this issue is the stigma that surrounds mental health for many men. Since they were young children, most men grow up with the idea of having to be a “macho” man and being strong at all times. Or that there is shame in talking about your thoughts and emotions.
It’s time that this cycle is broken. There is nothing wrong to admit that you are a man who is struggling with his mental health. Whether that be with anxiety, depression, or even past trauma.
If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, it’s time for you to get the help you deserve. Seeking support for a mental health disorder is not a sign of weakness; in fact, it’s one of the biggest signs of inner strength.
Let’s connect soon so you can learn more about depression therapy and how it can be an important first step for you to feel better.