Highly Successful People, Self Denial, & The Connection With Mental Health Crisis

You’re great at what you do. With a career-driven mind or as a trailblazer in your field, you are setting out to defy the odds. To prove to yourself and others that you are more than capable of achieving what you want to do. To show the young people in your life that through perseverance and self-growth, anything can be possible.
But on the other side of things is something that many people don’t talk about. Things that boil underneath the surface that isn’t often talked about. Self-denial is one of them. And while overall, mental health has dramatically affected many people, it is especially hurting those who are professionals. Self-denial, among other things, is a growing concern because it can actually cause a mental health crisis. Let’s discuss this in greater detail.
What Are Some Examples Of Self-Denial?
When we are going through a problem, it’s common to rationalize the experience. It’s common to chalk up what we are feeling as just temporary. That it’s just because of “xyz.” That after something is over and done with, things will just snap back to normal automatically. In a perfect world, it would. But we are not perfect people (try as we might) and the things we are going through might be temporary in nature, but have lasting consequences on our mental health.
Blaming Others
You had a bad day at work and right now, you feel fed up with everything and everyone around you. And maybe to some degree, it most certainly could be their fault for something that happened. However, part of self-denial is the idea of blaming others. But the thing with this, though, is that only you have control over how you react to something. It’s easy to blame other people, after all if it wasn’t for their actions, you wouldn’t be feeling like this in the first place.
You don’t have to stay in this place. You and you alone have control over your reaction to something.
If there is one thing that the majority of therapists will say that they can’t stand is the idea of, “Out of sight, out of mind.” Because the implication with this is that as long as you don’t think about something, it can’t affect you. Wrong, so very wrong. While that’s nice in theory, the reality is, suppressing emotions and thoughts you are feeling does little good but make them boil underneath the surface. Highly successful people are known to do this, especially. Because a professional’s life is so incredibly busy, they don’t leave much room for anything else. Including the negative emotions, experiences, and thoughts that occur.
Why Self-Denial Can Cause A Mental Health Crisis
Denying anything, for any reason, doesn’t solve the problem. Ignoring it in hopes that it will go away, almost every single time does not actually make it leave.
Mental health awareness has become so much more prevalent in the last few years. Part of the reason why is that many are not denying that they need help. From every walk of life and career field, a lot of people are starting to realize that healing the mind is just as important as healing from physical ailments.
But many people are still struggling with the idea that they aren’t okay. It may seem cliche to say, but it is truly okay to not be okay. If you are struggling with your mental health, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for depression therapy or anxiety therapy. You deserve to receive the support and help that you have been denying yourself.