Black Health And Wellness: A Guide

Black health matters. OUR health matters. Whether we are talking about mental or physical health, they both play crucial roles in the vitality of our lives. When one is off, it often worsens the other.

And yet, it’s overlooked. By our own communities. By medical providers, at times. And by society as a whole. We have come a far way to how things used to be, and yet, it’s not much better. At every turn, it seems as if we take 10 steps forward and 11 steps back. There is always some hurdle, some obstacle, that we have to get through.

It’s important to remember to take care of ourselves. We can’t be the change we want to see in the world if we are pouring from empty cups. But it’s hard to stay inspired and motivated when the world feels as if it is crashing all around us constantly. If you need some inspiration, use this as a guide to make sure that your health and wellness is being put first.

Empowerment Through Mental Health

Black mental health is not something often talked about. Not within our communities or within society, in general. But it doesn’t mean that it is not important. In fact, this is the very reason why it is so important.

You can’t work on things that aren’t being acknowledged and that begins as a community and as individuals. Talking about our struggles can sometimes be seen as taboo or unsavory. It can feel too much like complaining, knowing everything we have gone through as BIPOC throughout the centuries. But these struggles don’t negate what we are currently going through.

While our lives in this community look completely different than they did even 100 years ago, it doesn’t mean that we don’t have other rights. It doesn’t mean that the right to the knowledge and empowerment we should feel within ourselves should not be taken seriously.

If you are struggling right now, you aren’t alone. You aren’t alone with facing the struggles in your own life and those in our community. While it may not be spoken about, anxiety, depression, and trauma are all things we face. That every single human faces. And there is no shame in that.

You don’t have to take giant leaps to start this change. Start small by talking to friends and family. Or begin just writing how you feel. However you start, it should be with what you are most comfortable with. Working with therapist who is also a BIPOC can help you feel more comfortable, also.

Physical Health Is Important, Too

When you do not feel at your best mentally, you more than likely do not feel the motivation to move around. It’s a vicious cycle, because moving around can actually improve your mood!

Physical health of BIPOCS is another topic that is not spoken about. There is a stigma surrounding our physical health, as well. We are more likely to be misdiagnosed at more alarming rates than other races. This can often lead to serious health conditions being untreated because they are not known about. And there has long been serious mistrust with health providers.

Furthering this complication is that there are certain diseases that affect BIPOC more frequently. Knowing what these are and how you can prevent them through diet and exercise is important to improve mental and physical health.

Only we have the power to change the narrative. To shift the control over to us, instead of letting others tell us how it is.

Mental and physical health, no matter the color of your skin, is something that is so important. Still, the unique issues that BIPOC communities face can create obstacles to receiving help. If you are ready to break the cycle and make yourself and the world a better place, reach out to our office to get started.

March 1, 2022