3 Signs Of Seasonal Depression & What This Is

Just as suddenly as it started, the season is now ending. We are getting ready to transition into a new season and for the United States, we are now fast approaching winter.
Even when you are in a warmer climate, you are still going to be dealing with colder-than-normal temperatures. For many people, this time of year isn’t that bad, minus having a dislike for colder temperatures. However, there are plenty of people out there who see the change of seasons as something much worse.
Known as Seasonal Affective Disorder(SAD), it is more commonly referred to as seasonal depression. Seasonal depression is more than just the “winter blues.” If you aren’t sure if you or someone you know is affected by SAD, let’s take a look at what it is and some of the associated signs of it.
Seasonal Depression Explained
SAD is a form of depression or mood disorder. While it is most commonly experienced during the winter, any change of season can bring this on. It is a type of depression that primarily gets worse when the seasons change. That’s not to say someone doesn’t experience depression at any other time. It’s just that during these specific time periods, it can get far worse.
Three Signs Of Seasonal Depression
Lack Of Energy
The lack of sun and colder temperatures can make it harder to feel motivated. Part of this is biological because lack of sunlight can cause the body to not receive key nutrients.
On a more basic level, lack of sunlight and darker, shorter days can cause someone to not be as interested in activities like they once were.
Sleeping Changes
With the days shorter and darker, it messes with our bodies’ natural circadian rhythms. This can throw the body out of whack during the winter months. Our bodies are naturally synced to rise with the sun and want to start settling down when it does. When daylight starts later but ends sooner, it throws the whole cycle off. Making us want to sleep longer.
Appetite Changes
When we are going through something, it’s common for us to seek out comfort in food. We do this to give us some type of solace and relief, as a way to relax during stressful times. We don’t typically turn to healthy foods, however. It is often carbohydrates or food that is heavier, and there is nothing wrong with that. However, everything should be in moderation. But with depression, we tend to ignore that as a way to make ourselves feel better, even if it is only temporary.
Coping With Seasonal Depression
No matter what is causing depression to rear its ugly head, there are definitely ways to combat these feelings.
Try To Move Around
As much as we want to lay around and do nothing, this can be one of the worst things about depression. As challenging as it may feel, try to make an effort to move around throughout the day. Even if it’s only for 10 minutes at a time, or 5, you will still be helping your body and mind. Moving around is a great way to release endorphins into the body which can help you to feel better.
Progress Does Not Have To Equal Big Steps
People who regularly deal with depression often talk very negatively about themselves. When they feel like they aren’t doing enough or good enough, they are more likely to feel worse for not doing, “more.” But a key way to combat depression is to remember that, no matter what you got done, you did something. If all you were able to accomplish is the basic necessities for the day, then you should be proud that you did that.
Depression can cause us to feel like we are alone and that’s all we want. You don’t want to be a bother or burden to someone. However, talking to someone, be that a friend, family member, or therapist, can really help.
Reach out to us soon to learn more about depression therapy and how it can help you during this season of change.